User agreement
User agreement.
This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") regulates the relations of the Start TV and Radio Company Limited Liability Company (OGRN 1047796200671; address: 32A Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023) (hereinafter referred to as TV START) and any capable individual who has registered or accessed TV START services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service/Services") via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "User").
1.1. TV START is a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation: Limited Liability Company "Teleradiokompania "Start" (OGRN 1047796200671; address: 32A Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023);
1.2. The User is a legal entity or an individual with full civil legal capacity under the legislation of the Russian Federation, who is a party of (hereinafter referred to as the "Party") an Agreement that voluntarily used the Services of TV START.
1.3. Conclusion of an Agreement — the moment of conclusion of an Agreement between the User and TV START, confirming the User's agreement with all the terms of the Agreement, is the moment when the User begins using the Content, including viewing/listening to a collection of audiovisual works, and/or the TV START Service(s).
1.4. Acceptance of the Agreement — the fact of using the Service automatically recognizes the User as having unconditionally and generally accepted the terms of this Agreement.
1.5. Service is a software and hardware complex owned by TV START, functionally designed to enable Users to access Content under the terms of this Agreement, inform Users about TV START services and third parties, hosted on the Internet and accessible to Users through installation on various electronic devices (mobile devices: smartphones and tablets, game consoles, set-top boxes, blue–ray players and TVs with the so-called SMART TV function) (hereinafter referred to as "Devices").
1.6. Content — audiovisual works, text, photographic works, graphic works, any other information materials, as well as any part and/or combination of works or materials that make up the broadcast of TV channels and/or broadcast events (both in real time and in recording) available on the Service that TV START brings to the information of Users on the Internet with the ability to view it only when using the features of the Service.
1.7. Services – the activity of TV START to provide Users with access to the functionality of the Service.
1.8. Device – a stationary or portable device belonging to the User, including an electronic computer (computer), as well as another device capable of processing and reproducing sound and images, such as a television receiver, mobile phone, smartphone and other similar devices.
1.9. Account is the information space of the Service accessible to the User using a unique combination of the User's username and password as a result of the User's registration in the TV START Service.
2.1. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, TV START provides the User with services for the use of Content, and the User has the right to use the Service.
2.2. TV START, subject to the User's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, provides Users with Services directly on the Service. The User has no right to copy, reproduce, process or otherwise use the Content in whole or in part, except as expressly provided in the Agreement.
2.3. In order to use the Service and Content, the User must comply with this Agreement in accordance with the procedure established by this Agreement by accepting the Agreement. From the moment of Acceptance of the Agreement by the User, this Agreement is considered concluded with the User, and the User acquires the rights and is obliged to fulfill the obligations provided for in this Agreement.
2.4. The fact confirming the User's consent to the terms of provision of paid Services is the User's performance of actions aimed at obtaining paid Services, including any of the following:
- payment by the User for a set of paid Services;
- the User's use of a Promo Code to gain access to a set of paid services;
- the User receives temporary trial access to a set of paid services.
2.5. The amendment of this Agreement is made by posting a TV START of changes to this Agreement or a new version of this Agreement in the Service interface.
2.6. If the User does not agree with the amendments to this Agreement or the new version of this Agreement, the User has the right to terminate this Agreement with TV START by terminating the use of the Service.
2.7. For the purposes of this Agreement, Moscow time is used (the time of the time zone in which the capital of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, is located).
2.8. The User's actual access to the Service through the Service, the User's actual use of the Service and Content, is possible only on Devices on which the necessary and sufficient software is installed that meets the technical requirements specified in Section 6 of the Agreement and which has the technical and actual ability to access the Internet.
2.9. The Service refers to information products for children over the age of sixteen (16+), while the Content that can be accessed through the Service may relate to information products of any category provided for in Part 3 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 436-FZ dated 12/29/2010 "On the Protection of Children from Harmful Information their health and development."
2.10. To use the Service, the User must complete the registration procedure. By registering on the Service, the User creates an account on the Service. When creating an account necessary for successful authorization, the User independently accepts the terms of this user Agreement posted at %20 agreement.pdf
3.1. TV START undertakes to ensure the technical possibility of providing Users with access to Content in accordance with the procedure defined by the Agreement. At the same time, TV START has the right to carry out scheduled repair or maintenance work on the equipment used to operate and provide access to the Service during the hours of least load.
3.2. TV START reserves the right to change or delete any information at its discretion
information, Content and/or results of intellectual activity available on the Service, as well as suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to any of the sections of the Service, Content and/or other results of intellectual activity at any time for any reason or without explanation, with or without prior notice. At the same time, the Parties agree that TV START is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such actions.
3.3. TV START has the right to change the structure, design and ways of functioning of the Service, set any restrictions on the use of the Service and at any time change the Agreement unilaterally, without obtaining the consent of the User.
3.4. TV START has the right to organize various programs and studies within the framework of the Service, independently determine and subsequently change the rules and conditions for their conduct and User participation in them.
3.5. The Provider has the right to send messages to Users, including via e-mail, push notifications, SMS and messengers, containing organizational, technical or other
information about the capabilities of the Service, as well as containing TV START information materials.
3.6. TV START has the right to set age restrictions when a User accesses Content posted on the Service intended for an audience of a certain age. This means that Users who have not reached the age specified by TV START undertake to refrain from accessing and/or viewing such Content, which TV START may notify Users by indicating information product signs on the Service and/or by means of informational messages when Users attempt to view Content intended for an audience of a certain age.
3.7. Russian Russian Translation TV START has the right to post Content on the Service both translated into Russian (including with subtitles) and without translation into Russian (in the original language). At the same time, the User, using the Service, expresses his unconditional consent to viewing Content in the language version in which it is posted on the Service, and also undertakes to refrain from claims and demands to TV START regarding the availability of certain Content on the Service, translated and voiced into Russian.
3.8. TV START has the right to classify the Content posted on the Service in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2010. No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development". TV START has the right to change the age category of the Content posted on the Service without the consent of the User.
3.9. TV START has the right to block the User's access to the Content in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement or if TV START considers the User's actions fraudulent or aimed at destabilizing the Service, undermining the reputation of the Service or brand, organizing a DDoS attack, etc. The funds paid by the User for granting the right to use the Content, in this case non-refundable.
3.10. TV START has the right to involve any third parties to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, including for processing User requests by the Service support service, generating personalized TV START offers and sending messages to Users.
3.11. TV START processes Users' personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Service (Appendix 1 to this User Agreement).
User agreement.
This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") regulates the relations of the Start TV and Radio Company Limited Liability Company (OGRN 1047796200671; address: 32A Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023) (hereinafter referred to as TV START) and any capable individual who has registered or accessed TV START services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service/Services") via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "User").
1.1. TV START is a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation: Limited Liability Company "Teleradiokompania "Start" (OGRN 1047796200671; address: 32A Elektrozavodskaya str., Moscow, 107023);
1.2. The User is a legal entity or an individual with full civil legal capacity under the legislation of the Russian Federation, who is a party of (hereinafter referred to as the "Party") an Agreement that voluntarily used the Services of TV START.
1.3. Conclusion of an Agreement — the moment of conclusion of an Agreement between the User and TV START, confirming the User's agreement with all the terms of the Agreement, is the moment when the User begins using the Content, including viewing/listening to a collection of audiovisual works, and/or the TV START Service(s).
1.4. Acceptance of the Agreement — the fact of using the Service automatically recognizes the User as having unconditionally and generally accepted the terms of this Agreement.
1.5. Service is a software and hardware complex owned by TV START, functionally designed to enable Users to access Content under the terms of this Agreement, inform Users about TV START services and third parties, hosted on the Internet and accessible to Users through installation on various electronic devices (mobile devices: smartphones and tablets, game consoles, set-top boxes, blue–ray players and TVs with the so-called SMART TV function) (hereinafter referred to as "Devices").
1.6. Content — audiovisual works, text, photographic works, graphic works, any other information materials, as well as any part and/or combination of works or materials that make up the broadcast of TV channels and/or broadcast events (both in real time and in recording) available on the Service that TV START brings to the information of Users on the Internet with the ability to view it only when using the features of the Service.
1.7. Services – the activity of TV START to provide Users with access to the functionality of the Service.
1.8. Device – a stationary or portable device belonging to the User, including an electronic computer (computer), as well as another device capable of processing and reproducing sound and images, such as a television receiver, mobile phone, smartphone and other similar devices.
1.9. Account is the information space of the Service accessible to the User using a unique combination of the User's username and password as a result of the User's registration in the TV START Service.
2.1. In accordance with the terms of the Agreement, TV START provides the User with services for the use of Content, and the User has the right to use the Service.
2.2. TV START, subject to the User's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, provides Users with Services directly on the Service. The User has no right to copy, reproduce, process or otherwise use the Content in whole or in part, except as expressly provided in the Agreement.
2.3. In order to use the Service and Content, the User must comply with this Agreement in accordance with the procedure established by this Agreement by accepting the Agreement. From the moment of Acceptance of the Agreement by the User, this Agreement is considered concluded with the User, and the User acquires the rights and is obliged to fulfill the obligations provided for in this Agreement.
2.4. The fact confirming the User's consent to the terms of provision of paid Services is the User's performance of actions aimed at obtaining paid Services, including any of the following:
- payment by the User for a set of paid Services;
- the User's use of a Promo Code to gain access to a set of paid services;
- the User receives temporary trial access to a set of paid services.
2.5. The amendment of this Agreement is made by posting a TV START of changes to this Agreement or a new version of this Agreement in the Service interface.
2.6. If the User does not agree with the amendments to this Agreement or the new version of this Agreement, the User has the right to terminate this Agreement with TV START by terminating the use of the Service.
2.7. For the purposes of this Agreement, Moscow time is used (the time of the time zone in which the capital of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, is located).
2.8. The User's actual access to the Service through the Service, the User's actual use of the Service and Content, is possible only on Devices on which the necessary and sufficient software is installed that meets the technical requirements specified in Section 6 of the Agreement and which has the technical and actual ability to access the Internet.
2.9. The Service refers to information products for children over the age of sixteen (16+), while the Content that can be accessed through the Service may relate to information products of any category provided for in Part 3 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 436-FZ dated 12/29/2010 "On the Protection of Children from Harmful Information their health and development."
2.10. To use the Service, the User must complete the registration procedure. By registering on the Service, the User creates an account on the Service. When creating an account necessary for successful authorization, the User independently accepts the terms of this user Agreement posted at %20 agreement.pdf
3.1. TV START undertakes to ensure the technical possibility of providing Users with access to Content in accordance with the procedure defined by the Agreement. At the same time, TV START has the right to carry out scheduled repair or maintenance work on the equipment used to operate and provide access to the Service during the hours of least load.
3.2. TV START reserves the right to change or delete any information at its discretion
information, Content and/or results of intellectual activity available on the Service, as well as suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to any of the sections of the Service, Content and/or other results of intellectual activity at any time for any reason or without explanation, with or without prior notice. At the same time, the Parties agree that TV START is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such actions.
3.3. TV START has the right to change the structure, design and ways of functioning of the Service, set any restrictions on the use of the Service and at any time change the Agreement unilaterally, without obtaining the consent of the User.
3.4. TV START has the right to organize various programs and studies within the framework of the Service, independently determine and subsequently change the rules and conditions for their conduct and User participation in them.
3.5. The Provider has the right to send messages to Users, including via e-mail, push notifications, SMS and messengers, containing organizational, technical or other
information about the capabilities of the Service, as well as containing TV START information materials.
3.6. TV START has the right to set age restrictions when a User accesses Content posted on the Service intended for an audience of a certain age. This means that Users who have not reached the age specified by TV START undertake to refrain from accessing and/or viewing such Content, which TV START may notify Users by indicating information product signs on the Service and/or by means of informational messages when Users attempt to view Content intended for an audience of a certain age.
3.7. Russian Russian Translation TV START has the right to post Content on the Service both translated into Russian (including with subtitles) and without translation into Russian (in the original language). At the same time, the User, using the Service, expresses his unconditional consent to viewing Content in the language version in which it is posted on the Service, and also undertakes to refrain from claims and demands to TV START regarding the availability of certain Content on the Service, translated and voiced into Russian.
3.8. TV START has the right to classify the Content posted on the Service in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2010. No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development". TV START has the right to change the age category of the Content posted on the Service without the consent of the User.
3.9. TV START has the right to block the User's access to the Content in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement or if TV START considers the User's actions fraudulent or aimed at destabilizing the Service, undermining the reputation of the Service or brand, organizing a DDoS attack, etc. The funds paid by the User for granting the right to use the Content, in this case non-refundable.
3.10. TV START has the right to involve any third parties to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, including for processing User requests by the Service support service, generating personalized TV START offers and sending messages to Users.
3.11. TV START processes Users' personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Service (Appendix 1 to this User Agreement).
4.1. When using the Service and the granted right to access the Content and the results of intellectual activity posted on the Service, the User undertakes to comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and applicable international conventions, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of TV START and the Content copyright holders.
4.2. The User is obliged to refrain from performing actions aimed at destabilizing the operation of the Service, attempting unauthorized access to the Service, the results of intellectual activity and Content posted on it, as well as from performing any other actions that violate the rights of TV START and/or third parties.
4.3. The User has no right to copy, sell, resell, or use in any way for any purpose the Service, Content or the results of intellectual activity posted on the Service without the written consent of TV START and/or the copyright holders of the Content posted on the Service.
4.4. The User undertakes not to create more than one Account on the same Device. If the User creates more than one Account on the same Device, TV START reserves the right to delete the Accounts created by the User and/or refuse the User to use the Service. In relation to certain sections of the Service, the copyright holder may set another restriction, which the User is informed about when acquiring access to the relevant Content.
4.5. The user has the right to refuse to receive advertising and other information without explaining the reasons for the refusal by informing TV START of his refusal by sending an appropriate application to the e-mail address of the TV START support service . Service messages informing the User about the use of the Service are sent automatically and cannot be rejected by the User.
4.6. The User has the right to stop using the Service and delete the Account he created in his Personal Account. By deleting their account, the User confirms their consent to the complete deletion of their data, including Browsing History and all existing paid Services, without the possibility of recovery. In this case, funds debited for paid Services are not refunded, and Services for access to paid Services are considered to be fully provided.
4.7. The User has the right to participate in programs and research organized by TV START within the framework of the Service. In order to participate in some programs and studies, the User must indicate in the appropriate registration form the data requested in it, which is necessary to determine the studies suitable for the User and to interact with him.
4.8. The User is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the User's Account (including email addresses and phone number). The User is fully responsible for any actions performed using his Account, as well as for any consequences that such use may have entailed or entailed. The User is obliged to immediately notify TV START of any cases of access to the Service by third parties under the User's Account. The User has no right to transfer, assign, sell, transfer, etc. his Account on the Service to third parties without the consent of TV START.
4.9. The User using the Service confirms that he is of legal age and legally capable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation
4.10. A user who has reached the age of majority guarantees that the access of minors to the Content is carried out under his control in compliance with the
restrictions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. A User who has reached the age of majority, under no circumstances provides/will not provide minors with access to Content intended for adult Users prohibited from viewing by minors by the legislation of the Russian Federation. For the avoidance of doubt, the User agrees that TV START cannot verify the User's age at the time of the User's access to the Service, and therefore is not responsible to the User for the opportunity to access the relevant Content.
4.11. The User undertakes not to attempt to disable or otherwise interfere with any technical means of protecting the Service or the results of intellectual activity posted on it.
4.12. The User is solely responsible for the compatibility of his Device with the Service and the ability of his Device to view, download and play Content. If the User's Device does not support the Content format, TV START does not bear any obligations to reimburse the User for the cost of the paid right to use the Content.
4.13. The User is obliged to perform other duties established by the Agreement.
5.1. The User independently accesses the Service and Content. Access to the Service is voluntary. The Service provides Users with the opportunity to access the Content, while no rights to use the Content are granted to the User.
5.2. Access to the Content when using the Service is allowed solely for the User's personal, non-commercial purposes. Providing access to the Content to third parties outside the User's family circle is prohibited.
5.3. Individual Services of the Service may be available only to registered Users or only for a fee, TV START informs the User about such Services by posting information directly in conjunction with the Content and/or by placing a list of Services in the User's access/Content.
5.4. The User gets access to paid Services only after making their payment.
5.5. Payment for access to paid Services is carried out by direct payment by the User for the cost of the selected Service using payment means.
5.6. Access to viewing paid Content is provided to the User only after receiving the appropriate confirmation of the fact of payment.
5.7. Access to paid Content is provided in accordance with the technical requirements specified in Section 5 of the Agreement, with a limit on the number of technical devices (personal computer, laptop, etc.) used by the User at the same time.
5.8. The cost of paid Services and their content can be unilaterally changed by TV START without special notification to the User.
5.9. By paying for paid Services, the User unconditionally agrees to the following conditions:
– the devices from which the User plans to view paid Content fully comply with the technical requirements specified in Section 6 of the Agreement;
– The User agrees to perform all the actions necessary to access the TV START Services;
– The User agrees to receive information, including promotional messages, in order to provide the User with information about events related to TV START Services.
5.10. If the paid Services were paid for by the User, but not provided due to the fault of TV START, TV START is obliged to return the amount debited to the Account of the User from whom the payment was made, based on the User's application sent to .
5.11. If the paid Services were paid for by the User, but not provided due to the fault of TV START, the User has the right to request a refund within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of their payment, and TV START is obliged to return the amount paid to the User on the basis of a written application from the User sent to the address of the TV START location, according to the Unified State the Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). To make a refund, the User must save letters or other messages sent by e-mail to TV START or the bank confirming the fact of payment until the end of using the Services.
5.12. The User understands and agrees that he independently bears the risks of possible losses associated with the loss of access to e-mail, password to it, with third-party access to the e-mail Address, with third-party access to e-mail. The User is also responsible for correctly specifying the Email Address where the code for accessing the Service will be sent.
5.13. The User hereby assumes the entire risk of using the TV START Service. Neither TV START, nor its employees, agents, suppliers, or partners guarantee the absence of errors or uninterrupted operation of the Service. At the same time, the above-mentioned persons do not give any guarantees regarding the possible results of using the Service or regarding the accuracy, reliability of the content of any information sold through the Service owned by TV START or its partners.
5.14. The TV START Service is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including the warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. At the same time, guarantees that follow from the law or cannot be excluded, limited or modified by virtue of the legislation applicable to this Agreement are not excluded.
5.15. TV START has the right to block access to the User's Service, including in case of violation of the User Agreement or the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.1.The Service is an integrated set of software and hardware and includes, among other things:
- The website and its mobile version at
6.2. The services are designed to interact only with the latest versions of Browsers officially released by their developers and/or current versions of applications developed by TV START.
6.3. To access the Service, the User needs a Device with an operating system installed on it and software applications for interacting with the global Internet network certified by the device manufacturer in the Russian Federation.
6.4. The service is designed to interact only with official, licensed and unmodified software without "root access".
6.5. The device must meet the following requirements:
a) The device must be connected to the global Internet at a speed of at least 2 megabits per second;
b) The firmware version on Devices running on the iOS operating system must be 11.0 or higher;
c) The firmware version on Devices running on the Android operating system must be version 7.0 and higher;
d) For TVs with the Smart TV function, the latest software version (firmware version) must be installed, indicated on the official website of the manufacturer of the corresponding TV;
e) The firmware version for Apple TV set-top boxes must be 10.0 or higher;
f) The firmware version for Android TV set-top boxes must be 7.0 or higher;
g) The current date, time and time zone must be set on the Device in accordance with the User's location. It is recommended to set up automatic time synchronization in accordance with the device manufacturer's manual.
h) The Device must support technical means of copyright protection, including DRM (digital rights management).
6.6. The User agrees that the speed of access to the Service and/or viewing Content on the global Internet may vary due to the User's channel being loaded with traffic from other resources or for other reasons beyond the control of TV START. TV START is not responsible for the fact that at a specific time, in a specific place, the User was unable to access the Service and/or view Content due to low access speed.
6.7. The User agrees that if the User's Device does not meet the technical requirements of TV START, then he will not be able to access the Service and/ or the Service may not work correctly, even in the case of payment for Services.
6.8. If the User has technical problems using the Service, the Parties understand and agree that the User is obliged to contact the TV START technical support service using the e-mail address before filing a claim with TV START .
7.1. TV START undertakes to ensure the stable operation of the Services, their gradual improvement, and the fastest possible correction of errors in the operation of the Services, however, the Services are provided to the User on an "as is" basis. This means that the TV START:
does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the Services;
is not responsible for their smooth operation, their compatibility with the software and technical means of the User and other persons;
is not responsible for the loss of Materials or for causing any damages that have arisen or may arise in connection with or during the use of the Services;
does not bear responsibility related to any distortion, alteration, optical illusion of images, photos, videos and other User Materials that may occur or occur when using the Services, even if it causes ridicule, scandal, condemnation or neglect;
is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations as a result of failures in telecommunications and energy networks, the actions of malicious programs, as well as unfair actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) disabling of the software and (or) hardware complex TV START.
7.2. The User accepts the fact that TV START is under no circumstances responsible for the content of Materials published, sent by the User or received from other Users.
7.3. TV START does not undertake to control the content of the Materials and under no circumstances is responsible for their compliance with legal requirements, as well as for possible violation of the rights of third parties in connection with the placement of Materials and/or in connection with the use of the Services.
7.4. The User is responsible for providing reliable information when specifying an email Address and other information.
7.5. The User agrees never and under no circumstances to use the Services for:
publishing, distributing, storing, transmitting in any form (for example, but not limited to, in the form of a text message, an attached file of any format, links to online posting) Materials that:
a) are obscene, offensive, vulgar, malicious, threatening, defamatory, sensitive, false or pornographic in nature;
b) offend the honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of third parties, incite religious, racial, ethnic or ethnic hatred, contain elements of violence, etc.;
c) violate the rights to the results of intellectual activity and to means of individualization (including copyright, related, patent, etc.) of third parties; violate the rights of minors;
d) contribute to the emergence of interest in the distribution of drugs, weapons and ammunition, any form of terrorist, illegal and Nazi activities;
e) contain information that is not authorized for disclosure (information constituting a state secret, personal data of third parties, information prohibited from disclosure due to contractual or fiduciary relations of the User, etc.);
f) contain software viruses or other computer codes, programs, files aimed at disrupting the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment, their parts, including servers and other components of the network infrastructure and software. The transmission of malware is prohibited in any form, including in the form of complete program code, or part of it, individual files of any format, as well as links to their placement on the network;
g) contain unauthorized TV START advertising information, spam, phishing, flood, "letters of happiness", multi-level marketing schemes, ways to earn money on the Internet (including using e-mail), information provoking a "chain reaction" in the mailing of messages by recipients and other similar information;
h) any other Materials, the distribution, disclosure or other use of which is prohibited or restricted by law, contract or other grounds.
connection and use of any software designed to hack or aggregate the personal data of other Users, including email addresses, Passwords, etc., as well as to conduct automatic mass mailing of any content.
To mislead someone by appropriating someone else's name, email address and/or password and intentionally publishing, sending messages or using the assigned name illegally, intentionally causing damage to someone or for any selfish purposes.
7.6. By joining the Agreement, the User understands, accepts and agrees that he is fully personally responsible for:
a) for the content and compliance with the norms of Russian and international legislation of all Materials, including all texts, programs, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos, etc.;
b) compliance of the ways in which he uses the Materials of other Users and other information provided on TV START Services with the norms of Russian or international law (including, but not limited to, the norms of intellectual property law and information protection);
i) the safety of your account (login, password) and for losses,
which may arise due to their unauthorized use. TV START is not
responsible in case of unauthorized use by third parties of the User's
username and password. All actions performed using the User's username and password are
considered as User actions. .
7.7. In case of violation by the User of any of the terms of this Agreement, TV START reserves the right to terminate the User's access to the Services (including by blocking access to the Services from the IP address from which the registration of this User was carried out or the largest number of Materials of this User was posted) and transfer Materials confirming the illegal actions of the User, to law enforcement agencies to take action.
7.8. The User undertakes to reimburse TV START for any losses incurred by TV START in connection with the User's use of the Services in violation of the User's Agreement and the rights (including copyrights, patents, information, etc.) of third parties.
7.9. The User acknowledges and agrees that the IP address of the User's personal computer is fixed by the technical means of TV START, and in case of illegal actions, including actions that violate the copyright and related rights of third parties, the owner of the personal computer, determined by the technical means of TV START by belonging to the IP address, is recognized as responsible for these illegal actions.
7.10. TV START is not responsible for any damage to the User's Devices or software caused as a result of using the Service.
7.11. Under no circumstances will TV START be liable to the User or any third parties for any damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused as a result of using the Service or the results of intellectual activity posted on the Service. In any case, the Parties agree that the amount of damages to be reimbursed to the User as a result of any violations related to the use of the Service is limited to the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles.
7.12. In case of claims by third parties against TV START related to the User's use of the Service, the User undertakes to
settle these claims with third parties on his own and at his own expense, without involving TV START in the proceedings.
7.13. TV START is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to the User's Device by a virus, DDoS attack or other technologically harmful materials that may infect the User's Device, computer programs, data or other material as a result of the User's use of the Service.
7.14. TV START is not responsible for the inability to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, including the unavailability of Content, which arose for reasons beyond TV START's control, including force majeure.
8.1. Content viewing tools, TV START Services, their components and individual components (including, but not limited to: computer programs, databases, codes, underlying know-how, algorithms, design elements, fonts, logos, as well as text, graphics, sound and other materials) They are objects of intellectual property protected in accordance with current legislation, any use of which without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal.
8.2. Illegal use of the intellectual property objects specified in clause 8.1. entails civil, administrative and criminal liability.
8.3. The User is not entitled to carry out replication and other copying, distribution, modification, reformatting and other processing in relation to the Content, Services, their components and components, including frames and screenshots, except for the methods specified in clause 5.2. of this Agreement. Any components of the Services may not be used as part of other websites, software products, search engines, other works and objects of related rights, copied or otherwise used for the purpose of obtaining material benefits without concluding an appropriate Agreement with TV START.
8.4. Unless otherwise expressly stated by TV START, access to the results of intellectual activity used as part of the Service is provided by TV START solely for the purpose of familiarization with them by the User through the Service, without the right to reproduce (including copying/downloading) the specified results of intellectual activity in the memory of Users' devices, as well as without the right to other use the specified results of intellectual activity.
9.1. The Parties are not responsible for the violation of their obligations that arose after the entry into force of the Agreement, if such violation is caused by force majeure.
9.2. Force majeure means extraordinary circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances: war or other military actions (regardless of whether the war is declared or undeclared), occupation, actions of foreign opponents, mobilization, requisition or embargo; coups, revolutions, riots, military dictatorship or seizure of power, civil war; uprisings, riots, riots; fires, earthquakes, floods; acts and actions of State bodies that make it impossible to fulfill obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the legal order.
10.1. All disputes and claims are regulated on the basis of the provisions of the Agreement, and in case of non—settlement - in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.2. Any questions, comments and other correspondence from the User should be sent to TV START using the feedback form on the Service or to the following email address: . TV START is not responsible and does not guarantee a response to requests, questions, suggestions and other information sent to it in ways other than the above.
10.3. All claims arising in connection with the Agreement are primarily sent by the user of TV START via the above-mentioned e-mail. TV START undertakes to respond to the User's received claim within 10 (ten) business days by sending a letter stating its position to the email address specified in the claim. At the same time, the User's claims, which cannot be identified based on the data provided by them during registration (including anonymous claims), are not considered by TV START. If the User does not agree with the motives given by TV START in response to the claim, the procedure for its settlement is repeated by sending a reasoned response from the User using postal communication, namely by registered letter with notification to the address of the location of TV START, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If it is impossible to resolve the claim through negotiations, the dispute is resolved in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Agreement.
10.4. The User and TV START agree that all possible disputes arising in connection with the Agreement are resolved by the Parties according to the norms of Russian law and are considered at the location of TV START.
11.1. TV START reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to Users to change the terms of the Agreement, while posting the final version of the Agreement on the page at %20 agreement.pdf. The provisions of the new version of the Agreement become mandatory for all previously registered Users of the Service.
11.2. In the event that regulatory legal acts are adopted by the authorities of the Russian Federation affecting the operation of the Service in whole or in part, TV START reserves the right to make any changes in the operation of the Service aimed at bringing the latter into line with new standards.
11.3. In accordance with clause 6 of clause 1 of Article 10.5. According to the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", TV START has established an e-mail address for sending legally significant messages to him
11.4 The original Russian version of the User Agreement shall prevail over versions in other languages.
Editorial dated March 13, 2024